Are you ready for an easier way to view your account statements, that's also better for the environment? When you sign up for First Bank e-Statements, not only do you receive a virtual copy of your statement directly in your Digital Banking account, but you also cut down on paper waste.
e-Statements are a free service offered with the use of First Bank's Digital Bank. You can enroll through your Digital account using the Quick Access Button for e-Statements. Select your accounts to enroll under Documents/Settings, or talk to one of our bankers to assist you in getting setup.
Once you are signed up, enjoy the many benefits of your e-Statements:

Interactive e-Statements
Interactive e-Statements allows users to select multiple accounts at one time, choose one or more document types, and select a date range to view all documents meeting their criteria on one screen vs viewing them on an account-by-account basis. This will be especially helpful to businesses who have large volumes of accounts and multiple document types enabled!

Filter by Account, Document Type or Date Range to build a statement specific to your needs:
Account(s) drop-down displays the accounts in alpha/numeric order by account number or nickname.
Document Type includes All, Statement, Notice, and Tax.

Date Range The default is Most Recent, with other date ranges available. Selecting a Date Range opens a calendar selection tool.